Effluent/Hydrocarbon Separation
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Effluent Separation System
An Effluent Separation System (ESS) needs to be installed to separate all contaminates from the effluent generated by washing area and run-off from the concrete apron.
Design Features
The design is based upon the API (American Petroleum Industry) research over the past 35 years. It was found that with this system even without the use of any external separators and or skimmers the lowest count of hydrocarbon parts per million (ppm) will be achieved in the effluent discharged into the environment.
Design Criteria:
- The first sump chamber is designed to give the effluent sufficient time to separate, due to the stagnant water in the chamber.
- The first sump chamber will contain most of the hydrocarbons (Oil, Diesel, Petrol, Turpentine, and oil-based paints), because of under over system, only hydrocarbon free effluent will be forced into the second chamber.
- In case of flush water (storms, pipe burst’s) the effluent will not have sufficient time to separate due to the emulation effect that turbulent water produces, and the fast flow of the rush water. The effluent will be pushed into the second sump chamber where a second stagnant process will force the effluent to separate.
- The worst case there is a third chamber with the same process as in second sump chamber.
- Under normal conditions, normal flow or regular flow, the first chamber will handle all the effluent.
- The last chamber of the sump may also serve as a pump chamber; creating a close circuit system. This water may be used for washing or general plant uses, but is not fit for drinking.
Oil/Water Separator:
Amanzitec propose the implementation of a 300L Oil/Water Separator, the separator will recover all hydrocarbons that may have settled on in the effluent separation plant.
Separators are gravity separation devices designed by using Stokes Law to define the rise velocity of oil droplets based on their density and size. The design of the separator is based on the specific gravity difference between the hydrocarbon and the waste water because the difference is much smaller than the specific gravity difference between the suspended solids and water.
Oil water separators purpose is to recover hydrocarbons that have segregated from emulsion in an effluent separation plant.
Recovered hydrocarbons will be stored in a 1000L IBC tank until full and ready for safe disposal.